Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Helpful Fire Prevention Tips

October is National Fire Prevention Week. As many business owners and professional welders know, by following a few simple tips, welding-related fires workplace fires can be avoided. To help, and to honor the occasion, here are a few reminders and helpful tips to keep workers, companies, and projects safe.
  1. Remove Combustible Materials - Combustible materials should be removed from the work area. Generally, this includes the following:
  • Leaves
  • Brush
  • Twigs
  • Wood
  • Clothing items
Structural partitions and roofs should also be avoided. Fire retardants can be placed on top of materials that simply can't be moved.
  1. Watch for Flammable Vapors
    • Volatile liquids from nearby tanks and pipes can explode when mixed with air. The work area should be completely free of these dangerous chemicals before welding begins. Sawdust from nearby wooden beams is combustible under certain conditions, as well. As such, it should be eliminated as fully as possible.
  1. Use Properly Maintained Equipment
    • All electrical devices should be installed correctly and should have the appropriate circuit protection. Welding blankets and curtains can be utilized when needed. All cylinders containing gasoline should be several feet from the welding area. Hoses should be kept away from the following:
      • Sparks
      • Heat
      • Flames
      • Slag
Hoses and cylinders that are maintained properly will remain viable for many years.
Ultimately, it is the workers responsibility to remove combustible materials, watch for flammable vapors, and ensure well-maintained equipment is used. Fires can be avoided. All it takes is you!

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