Friday, April 3, 2015

10 Welding Safety Procedures

Welding is a dangerous job, but thankfully there are safety standards that every person operating a welding machine should take into consideration. Below are 10 safety procedures which you should use whenever you’re welding. 
welding safety

  1. Never move a high pressure cylinder without a cylinder cap. If the cylinder falls, it could explode and you could be killed.
  2. Before you begin welding, make sure the area is clear of anything flammable.
  3. Always read the information manual for any piece of welding equipment before your first time using it.
  4. Use an exhaust hood to remove fumes when welding in a confined area.
  5. Looking at an arc’s rays for even a moment can cause unbelievable damage to your eyes.
  6. Do not weld in a wet area, or with damp clothing or gloves.
  7. Never weld on painted metals. Before you begin welding, remove the paint from the surface.
  8. Always wear a welding helmet in order to protect your face, and keep it away from the welding plume.
  9. Have a fire extinguisher close by whenever you’re welding.
  10. Protect yourself and others from being burned by using soapstone to mark hot metals that have been welded.

Before you begin any type of welding project make sure you know and understand the proper method of welding that is used to weld the metals you’re working with. As long as you use proper welding procedures, you’ll be safe during all welding projects. 

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